Mark Lanegan, frontmen čuvenog grandž benda Screaming Trees, a kasnije grupe Queens of the Stone Age, preminuo je u 57. godini u porodičnom domu u Kilarniju, u Irskoj, objavljeno je na njegovom
nalogu,Our beloved friend Mark Lanegan passed away this morning at his home in Killarney, Ireland. A beloved singer, songwriter, author and musician he was 57 and is survived by his wife Shelley. No other information is available at this time. We ask Please respect the family privacy
— mark lanegan (@marklanegan)Our beloved friend Mark Lanegan passed away this morning at his home in Killarney, Ireland. A beloved singer, songwriter, author and musician he was 57 and is survived by his wife Shelley. No other information is available at this time. We ask Please respect the family privacy
— mark lanegan (@marklanegan) February 22, 2022
Tokom karijere duge više od tri decenije, američki pevač upečatljivog glasa sarađivao je sa Kurtom Kobejnom, Pi Džej Harvi, Izobel Kembel i Mobijem.
Prošle godine, Lanegan je nekoliko meseci proveo u bolnici zbog kovida. Zbog ugroženog opšteg stanja, lekari su ga uveli u indukovanu komu.
Uzrok smrti nije saopšten.
Our beloved friend Mark Lanegan passed away this morning at his home in Killarney, Ireland. A beloved singer, songwriter, author and musician he was 57 and is survived by his wife Shelley. No other information is available at this time. We ask Please respect the family privacy
— mark lanegan (@marklanegan)Our beloved friend Mark Lanegan passed away this morning at his home in Killarney, Ireland. A beloved singer, songwriter, author and musician he was 57 and is survived by his wife Shelley. No other information is available at this time. We ask Please respect the family privacy
— mark lanegan (@marklanegan) February 22, 2022
„Naš voljeni prijatelj Mark Lanegan preminuo je jutros u njegovom domu u Kilarniju, u Irskoj", gde je živeo sa suprugom Šeli.
„Voljeni pevač, tekstopisac, pisac i muzičar, imao je 57 godina", objavljeno je na Laneganovom zvaničnom Tviter nalogu.
Lanegan je tokom 2000-ih četiri puta nastupio u Beogradu.
- Šest razloga zbog kojih i dalje volimo Kurta Kobejna
- Priča o panseksualnoj pank himni Bazkoksa
- Kako je 1991. donela poslednju rokenrol renesansu
Pionir grandža, prijatelj Kurta Kobejna, inspiracija mnogima
Rođen u američkoj državi Vašington 1964. godine, Lanegan se pridružio bendu Screaming Trees krajem 1980-ih, koji je ubrzo postao jedan od vodećih grupa grandža.
Bend je snimio osam albuma do razlaza 2000. godine,
Lanegan je snimio nekoliko solo albuma i pre raspada benda, a 2000. godine se pridružio grupi Queens of the Stone Age na albumu Rated R . Nastupao je sa bendom tokom nekoliko turneja širom sveta, a učestvovao je i na snimanju njihovog poslednjeg albuma Songs for the Deaf.
Kasnije je sarađivao sa pevačem i vođom grupe Afghan Whigs, Gregom Dulijem, u zajedničkom bendu The Gutter Twins.
Snimio je 11 albuma tokom solo karijere - poslednji, Straight Songs Of Sorrow, objavio je 2020. godine.
Iste godine je objavio memoare Pevaj unazad i plači, (Sing Backwards And Weep), u kojima je pisao o „svemu, od zavisnosti, turnejama, sitnom kriminalu, beskućništvu i tragičnim smrtima najbližih prijatelja", među kojima su bili Kurt Kobejn i Lejn Stejli iz benda Alice in Chains.
Nastavak memoara, Đavo u komi (Devil In A Coma), u kojem je pisao kako je umalo preminuo od kovida-19, objavljen je 2021. godine.
Mnogobrojni muzičari, glumci i pisci odaju počast Laneganu na društvenim mrežama.
— Iggy Pop (@IggyPop)
Mark Lanegan, RIP, deepest respect for you. Your fan,
— Iggy Pop (@IggyPop) February 22, 2022
Mark Lanegan, RIP, deepest respect for you. Your fan,
Iggy Pop
I can't process this. Mark Lanegan will always be etched in my heart - as he surely touched so many with his genuine self, no matter the cost, true to the end. xx jc
— John Cale (@therealjohncale)I can't process this. Mark Lanegan will always be etched in my heart - as he surely touched so many with his genuine self, no matter the cost, true to the end. xx jc
— John Cale (@therealjohncale) February 22, 2022
RIP Mark Lanegan. I was honoured to contribute a lyric and vocal on Rob Marshall's "Humanist" album alongside Mark and other notable artists...
— Ron Sexsmith (@RonSexsmith)
Huge Loss RS Mark Lanegan. I was honoured to contribute a lyric and vocal on Rob Marshall's "Humanist" album alongside Mark and other notable artists...
— Ron Sexsmith (@RonSexsmith) February 22, 2022
Huge Loss RS
Very sad news about Mark Lanegan. "in The Fade" by Tweets by qotsa is one of the greatest songs of all time. nearly lost you is incredible 💔
— Mark Ronson (@MarkRonson)Very sad news about Mark Lanegan. "in The Fade" by @qotsa is one of the greatest songs of all time. nearly lost you is incredible 💔
— Mark Ronson (@MarkRonson) February 22, 2022
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