Vođa grupe Fu Fajters (Foo Fighters) Dejv Grol pozvao je desetogodišnju bubnjarku iz Ipsviča da svira sa bendom na prvom sledećem nastupu u Velikoj Britaniji.
Grol je upoznao Nandi preko video poziva, a onlajn susret je oprganizovao Njujork Tajms.
Tokom četrdesetominutnog ćaskanja Dejv i Nandi su pričali o o tome kad su počeli da sviraju bubnjeve, dogovorili se da zajedno napišu pesmu, a onda su i zajedno malo i svirali.
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Objavljujući snimak razgovora na društvenim mrežama, Nandi je oduševljeno napisala: „Epski!".
Grol je prethodno napisao pesmu za Nandi pošto ga je ona izazvala preko Instagrama.
I cant believe Mr. Grohl wrote a song about me!?! This is so so so #EPIC!! I think its the best song EVER, in the WORLD, EVER!!! Thank you so much Dave. You have raised the stakes to all instruments! I accept your next challenge! Thank you to the whole Grohl family! Tweets by foofighters pic.twitter.com/rWgTBwEtyb
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell)I cant believe Mr. Grohl wrote a song about me!?! This is so so so #EPIC!! I think its the best song EVER, in the WORLD, EVER!!! Thank you so much Dave. You have raised the stakes to all instruments! I accept your next challenge! Thank you to the whole Grohl family! Tweets by foofighters pic.twitter.com/rWgTBwEtyb
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell) September 14, 2020
Njihovo prijateljsko nadmetanje na društvenim mrežama nastavljeno je kada je devojčica objavila pesmu .
BEST DAY EVER!!! Meeting #davegrohl was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I can’t believe Dave asked me to write a song with him, join him and the Tweets by foofighters on stage AND he is still working on his comeback!!! #EPIC!!! Tweets by nytimesmusic pic.twitter.com/szlKXn6U6D
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell)BEST DAY EVER!!! Meeting #davegrohl was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I can’t believe Dave asked me to write a song with him, join him and the Tweets by foofighters on stage AND he is still working on his comeback!!! #EPIC!!! Tweets by nytimesmusic pic.twitter.com/szlKXn6U6D
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell)BEST DAY EVER!!! Meeting #davegrohl was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I can’t believe Dave asked me to write a song with him, join him and the @foofighters on stage AND he is still working on his comeback!!! #EPIC!!! @nytimesmusic pic.twitter.com/szlKXn6U6D
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell) November 9, 2020
Tokom onlajn razgovora u ponedeljak, Grol je rekao Nandi: „Osećam se kao da se upoznajem sa nekim članom Bitlsa".
Potom je upitao: „Kada Fu Fajters konačno ponovo dođe u Veliku Britaniju, da li bi mogla da nam se pridružiš na bini i malo sviraš sa nama?".
Odgovorila je: „Da, naravno, 100 odsto!".
Grol je na to dodao: „Ali to mora da se dogodi pred kraj nastupa, jer bi nam u suprotnom ukrala ceo šou".
Takođe su se dogovorili da zajedno naprave pesmu i razgovarali o tome ko će na kojim instrumentima svirati.
Bivši bubnjar Nirvane rekao je Nandi da je prvi put bio „nervozan" zbog prvog susreta s njom, na šta je ona velikoj zvezdi odgovorila:
„Ja nisam nervozna, jer samo treba to da uradiš i zgrabiš priliku".
BEST DAY EVER!!! Meeting #davegrohl was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I can’t believe Dave asked me to write a song with him, join him and the Tweets by foofighters on stage AND he is still working on his comeback!!! #EPIC!!! Tweets by nytimesmusic pic.twitter.com/szlKXn6U6D
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell)BEST DAY EVER!!! Meeting #davegrohl was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I can’t believe Dave asked me to write a song with him, join him and the Tweets by foofighters on stage AND he is still working on his comeback!!! #EPIC!!! Tweets by nytimesmusic pic.twitter.com/szlKXn6U6D
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell)BEST DAY EVER!!! Meeting #davegrohl was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I can’t believe Dave asked me to write a song with him, join him and the @foofighters on stage AND he is still working on his comeback!!! #EPIC!!! @nytimesmusic pic.twitter.com/szlKXn6U6D
— Nandi Bushell (@Nandi_Bushell) November 9, 2020
Nandi je počela da svira bubnjeve sa pet godina, a takođe svira bas, gitaru i klavir.
Svirala je bubnjeve sa Lenijem Krevicom a pojavila se i u popularnoj američkoj TV emisiji Elen Dedženeris.
Pogledajte video: Kako su gitare promenile život deci sa ulica Avganistana
Pratite nas na Fejsbuku i Tweets by bbcnasrpskom . Ako imate predlog teme za nas, javite se na [email protected]
19. 9. 2024.
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